

- The Player couldn't change his audio sound in the Main Menu.

- The Audio wasn't set up correctly.

- When clicking multiple time on the same product on the Tablet, it couldn't add it.

- You could buy every Drink and Food Stand without the required money. But you'll be in Debt.

- Billy (The Smiley Cylinder) Should face the correct way now when walking.

- The Customer should now check the Stand First and choose it if the player have stock.

- The Fridge wouldn't load all his inventory properly, but still use all the ingredients inside.

- The customer will sometime chose a Food instead of Drinking after finishing eating

- The Max Experience Point needed to level, will now save and load correctly. Before it was reset to the Default Value everytime

- The Audio Setting wasn't set properly in the Main Menu.

- FPS and Fullscreen toggle wasn't working in the Main Menu and didn't save.


- The prices of the Recipe has been adjusted (Again...)

- The scroll speed of the Drink on the Tablet wasn't set correctly.

- The General UI will be scaled correctly from now on with all Monitor (Based on 1440p)

- Quality has been tweaked a bit.

- Intro Window when entering the Restaurant for the first time, has been updated.

- The Number of product in the Cart wasn't showing on the Button.


- SFX for the Ambience has been added.

- Audio Settings has been added and can be accessed via the Option Menu.

- The player can now set the SFX and Ambience volume via the Option Menu.

- Sound Effect for button has been added.

- Smoke like VFX has been added when you are cleaning the Dirty Plate from the Table.

- Added a sound effect when you buy a Table, Drink or Food Stand.

- Added a sound effect when you pick the money from the Customer.

- At the end of the day, the button will now appear when the text has finished.

- A Default Icon has been put for the Restaurant.

- The UI has been a bit reworked.

- Added a subtle color correction

- The Customer will now chose something from the Food or Drink Stand first

- Achievement Window has been added in the Pause Menu.

- A notification on the top Right corner will appear everytime you made an Achievement.

- Achievement will have a sound. Can be tweak in the Audio Option.

- The Fridge UI has been updated.

- The Oven UI has been updated.

- Graphics and Audio has now Default Value for the first time launching the game.

- The achievement window now have a Number, Percentage and Bar tracker.

- The game has now a (TEMPORARY) Icon

Get NOT Restaurant Simulator

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